Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 15: Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City; August 23

Starting the day with Waffle House is never a horrible thing to do so my Saturday begins in the plus column. Losing AC and satellite radio on the 4 hour drive from St. Louis to Kansas City is two in the minus column.....However, things quickly head back in the positive direction when I meet some rowdy tailgaters in the parking lot on 'Christian Family' night in KC. If drinking LOTS of alcohol and cursing like sailors before first pitch is the Christian thing to do, then this group should be sainted. They give me a beer and a free ticket to the game. Score another one in the plus side. I next stumble upon a Bachelorette party (automatic six on the plus side) dressed in Royal Blue who teach me the finer points of Hillbilly Golf. Maye is especially talented and talkative fun to stand next to....By the time I meet my new rowdy friends in section 138 in rightfield (I had ACCIDENTALLY been sitting in 128 for two innings.) the good times are rolling. One guy yells something quite Yankee-bleacher-like, but is quickly shushed by a friend due to the abundance of Christian families within 20 feet of him. I leave in the fifth to grab a seat (given to me by Mike from group one) to sit 10 rows behind the plate. Great view! I actually think I sat in the same seat 10 years ago! With the Royals comfortably losing to the Tigers in the 8th, I leave. I am determined to hit Gates and Sons Bar-B-Q first, though (where I am writing this now.) The Ribs and service are unmatched. I'm off in a few minutes for a LONG drive (550 miles or so in 13 hours with some sleep (I hope) factored in) to Arlington, for the Texas Rangers tomorrow afternoon....Until then.


Michael said...

The fans in Kansas City are the best in baseball! But as you saw by watching that game, you now realize why the consumption of so much alcohol is necessary for a fan of the Kansas City Royals to make it through the game! We're anxious to see some video of your trip to KC. "LONG LIVE MEXICAN MULLETS!!!"

Tim Alan Smith Wedding Films said...

Michael....Great to meet you guys! KC fans were AWESOME! Please e-mail me and keep in touch! Tim